Thursday, July 28, 2005

::: Search ::: Suche ::: Verwandte ::: Relatives :::

I would like to put this longer post here, because it documents some things people do not like to speak about: I wonder, if there was somebody out there, who has more knowledge. Some of my family are missing. I tried to contact the red cross, but they couldn´t find more data:

This is my grandpa: Emil Kitzler, 1898 - 1948

This is my grandma Hermine Kitzler, she was born in 1908 (died in 2000) by the family Viktor Rudolph and wife.

This is their shop in Vienna´s fourth district in Grosse Neugasse, in front of the door there are my grandparents:

This is her short about what happened to her during WWII. She always said, she could not tell things by name, because she had the "Roter Winkel" and people still would do something against our family...Emil fled from the soldier´s frontier, she called it "Kurzurlaub" in this report: He hid in the pigs´ stay from the Nazis, until war was over 1945.

This is one of grandma´s brothers: Dr. Viktor Rudolph

This is grandma´s dad: Viktor Rudolph

This was our farm in the north of Vienna

I do not know, who this is, but probably Emil´s mum. There little knowledge about Emil´s dad:

All in all I have to say, that:
Stories my daddy and my grandma told, offered a view to what people do to protect their families. They lied and wrongly informed Nazis as holders and supporters of dictatorship. Emil, for instance, never was the air force, but he stole a uniform as he "deserted (is this English word right?)" from the 1943 forced army inclusion. He fled from "Rudolphsstadt" whith a litte "Draisine" in a false uniform, with false papers and a letter, that he himself wrote, which tested him a special agent for the regime. Of course, he later burned the uniform, he hid the sties. He cooperatedwith the underground resistance. I cannot remember all about his part in the allied forces early actions, but nevertheless he was a good agent. They hated Nazis and killed some of them as early as 1943 and until 1944, when he fled. I cannot remember their names, so my grandma could not. My daddy introduced my brothers and me to our family - still I know where they live(d), but only by going the ways, my daddy told me. I cannot recall addresses, but I remember names and places...
Here is what I found out about my uncle:

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005

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posted by Sybil Amber at 7/28/2005 07:59:00 PM 0 comments

Gedaechtnisprotokoll: Jeni WOLF

Juni 16, 2004
Im Telefonat mit Frau Fressner erbat ich Einsicht in das Archiv des Burgtheaters bezueglich Personalstandslisten vor dem WWII. Ich wurde auf das 1. deutsche Buehnenhandbuch, und 2. die Personalstandslisten im oesterreichischen Staatsarchiv hingewiesen. Frau Fressner listete nur einige Schauspieler mit dem Nachnamen WOLF auf, naemlich Jakob, Edi, Andreas, Erich und Hans. Der erwaehnte Jakob Wolf war am Burgtheater von 1911 bis 1936 taetig, naehere Angaben waren nicht vorhanden. Sie fragte, wie mein Verwandter hiesse, ich teilte ihr mit, dass der Gesuchte Onkel den Namen Jeni Wolf trug, deportiert und ermordet wurde. Ich informierte sie auch darueber, dass die Suchanfrage beim Roten Kreuz in Muenchen ebenso keine Ergebnisse erbrachte. Laut ihrer Angabe seien keine Informationen ueber Deportationen von Angehoerigen des Burgtheaters bekannt, auch nicht ueber die Prominentendeportationen. Ich bedankte mich und verblieb mit der Option, sie wieder zu kontaktieren.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005

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posted by Sybil Amber at 7/28/2005 05:45:00 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Die Presse - Send A Friend: SEND A FRIEND
a8404316@ schickt folgende Nachricht:
Schade, wie kann mensch nur aufgeben? Frei nach Tucholsky - ich wiederhole dies seit fuenfundzwanzig Jahren - ist die Sprache unsere schaerfste Waffe. Auch meine Vorfajren kaempften gegen Formen des Rassismus, sie wurden gequaelt und niedergeschlagen, seit hunderten von Jahren. Never leave a winning team!

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Ich gebe auf
Opfer und Zeugen von Rassismus wollten wir beraten. Wir gründeten "Zara": ohne Adresse, ohne Budget. Jetzt, fünf Jahre später, bin ich die Erste, die das Handtuch wirft. Über die Schwierigkeit, in Österreich nicht zynisch zu werden.

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posted by Sybil Amber at 7/20/2005 03:42:00 PM 0 comments